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Friday, February 11, 2011


12th February 2011

Time flies so fast. How wish dalam sehari ya ada 25 that i will have enough time to take care of my sick cat, buat kerja rumah,..feeling very presured lately and the work load in the office has pilling..betimbun-timbun..especially when the biggest event is coming up, and am sectioned at the most critical area which requires sooo much attention. My focus and attention so muchly divided ..God, just can't wait for February to end..

uhu..balit ke rumah, fikir kerja,..sedang practice choir, sempat g risau pasal kerja..aduhai!
all the energy is wasted in worrying, positive energy slowly declining..

In the midst of finding the strength to move on, i listed down 50 reasons to be thankful to the Lord in the midst of the storm..

  1. Thank you for wonderful colleague, they are great bro. and sister
  2. Thank you for friends whom You have sent to sustain
  3. Thank you for good leader who provide support
  4. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that keeps me moving
  5. Thank you for giving me the wisdom to differentiate good and bad
  6. Thank you for the patience
  7. Thank you for listening to my cry
  8. Thank you for the laughter
  9. Thank you for the joy to serve You
  10. Thank you for safe journey
  11. Thank you for good health
  12. Thank you for your daily bread
  13. Thank you for good food..that you provide
  14. Thank you for a home
  15. Thank you for my cats..(they are adorable, loving and cute..)
  16. Thank you for a gud neighbour
  17. Thank you for my car,
  18. Thank you for rain that cools the air
  19. Thank you for the sun that dries my laundry
  20. Thank you for good team
  21. Thank you for the time to sing to You
  22. Thank you for the moment when i am helpless, you have sent good people to assist
  23. Thank you for my sister, Shirley who always provide support when i am needy and lost
  24. Thank you for my parents, who from far i know are praying for me
  25. Thank you for FB, my mum can reach me and chat with me easily
  26. Thank you for quick mind that goes extra mile
  27. Thank you for the time to rest
  28. Thank you for the using passing of time that heals the wound
  29. Thank you for providing just enough
  30. Thank you for providing my needs
  31. Thank you for giving me perseverance
  32. Thanks for Your call
  33. Thank you for not forgetting me
  34. Thank you for quiet times
  35. Thank you for always walking beside me
  36. Thank you for my vocation (in which i know you have planned for me)
  37. Thank you for Your song that uplift my spirit
  38. Thank you for the WORD
  39. Thank you for your guiding hand
  40. Thank you for sending me here
  41. Thank you for using me your instrument
  42. Thank you for evryday
  43. Thank you for redeeming me
  44. Thank you for the storm
  45. Thank you for giving me purpose to be here
  46. Thank you for answering me (though not everytime i ask questions)
  47. Thank you for challenging task, in a way i grow competently and confidently
  48. Thank you for the loneliness, its your way of drawing me close to you
  49. Thank you for forgiving my sins, you have taken away my guilt and shame
  50. Thank you Lord, for good sermon from priest today that moves me to write this list
  51. Thank you for being the REASON i am free because of You!!
When facing difficulties our eyes are often blinded to see all the blessings hidden..

And so my soul, no longer silent, now sings praise without ceasing. O lord forever will i give You thanks - Psalm30(29): 13

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